Alcohol Based Liquid Herbal Dietary Supplement*
The combination of herbs in this formula are traditionally used as a: sedative, pain reliever, anti-inflammatory* .
I developed this formula originally to aid in helping our kids deal with being disbudded and neutered. I wanted something to help with stress and inflammation as well as help ease pain. Whereas being disbudded and neutered is never easy, we have seen that this formula does seem to help our kids deal with it a bit better.
I also give this to aid with other pain/stress related health issues. I wanted something that would not cause kidney or liver damage with long term use (like many drugs such as Banamine do), and also something safe that could be used during pregnancy (many herbal pain relievers now available for animals contain herbs that really should not be used on a continuing basis and/or during pregnancy such as Yucca & Devils Claw)*
Contains : Valerian, White Willow Bark, Feverfew, St. John's Wort, Licorice Root
Extracted using locally distilled grain alcohol and RO filtered water.
Serving Suggestion*: Given Orally 1/2 hour to one hour before procedure - or when needed
Available in 2 sizes: 4 oz. and 8 oz. bottles
NOTE: This tincture is handmade in limited quantities. Ordering more than 1 bottle at a time may result in delay with shipping your order.
Limit 2 bottles per order.
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Annual use with goats
This stuff is great for disbudding and banding. We give it at the 1 ml per 10 pounds of weight rate to our Alpine kids a half hour before their turn. It doesn't knock them out or anything, but does make the procedure much better than before we used it. They are calmer and do take a nap afterwards and then don't seem to be bothered as much later.
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Reviewed by: JL from Indiana on 9/29/2023
Won't be without it!
This is possibly my favorite tincture. I keep it on hand always. We use it after tough deliveries in the sheep and goats. For arthritis in my one senior aged doe, in disbudding, banding and navel ill in youngsters. It makes a significant difference in the lives of the animals and I'm so grateful to have this for them.
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Reviewed by: Suzy from Virginia on 7/14/2022
Incredible Stuff- Ow-Eze!!!
I cannot believe how much this product helped with my goat's injury!!! This product is truly amazing!!!
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Reviewed by: Jacob Tankersley from AR on 3/17/2022
Amazing stuff for goat with CAE!
I don't usually write reviews, but this has been a lifesaver for my goat. My poor girl was diagnosed with CAE. She's young (just 2), and she was getting crippling arthritis in one of her front leg joints. It was badly swollen, and she could barely put weight on it. I'd tried vet recommended pain killers with no change in her condition, and I was ready to try anything to help her feel better. After being on ow-eze for a week, the swelling was down and she was able to walk without limping! She's on joint supplements as well, but now whenever she shows signs of joint swelling and stiffness (every couple months it flares up), I give her a few doses and she is comfortable again! She's a beloved pet/companion animal for my horse, and I was devastated that she might not recover enough to have a good quality of life. This has truly been a miracle supplement!
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Reviewed by: Chelsea McCracken from NY on 9/27/2021
You can count on it!
I have a Nubian doe that has CAE with the big knees. She was refusing to jump on the milkstand. I couldn't blame her. I read that Ow-Eze had herbs to reduce inflammation and pain. I ordered the Ow-Eze and started it on her as soon as it came in. I gave her 1 tsp once or twice a day with her grain. Within a few days her knees had reduced enough (1/4 - 1/2), that they didn't look near as puffy, and she was back to jumping on the milkstand again. I used it for 6 weeks, then tapered her off of it to see if her knees would infame again. She was totally off of the Ow-Eze for 4 months. Her knees never once inflamed during this time. Then I let her have some grapefruit pulp (big mistake). Two days later her knees were swollen big time. I thought first it was just an allergic reaction and it would go down in just a few days with the help of Ow-Eze. They did go down, but it was a constant battle to keep her knees down. Now I'm thinking the allergic reaction somehow triggered the CAE to become active again. Anyway I've had to use the Ow-Eze for the last 4 weeks. I hope the Ow-Eze will keep her comfortable and pain free until the CAE goes into remission again.
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Reviewed by: Ashley Jorgensen from OK on 12/24/2013
We always have ow-eze on hand, for disbudding kids, for a limp or other minor bump and scrape and to give after a kidding. We feel it works really well. We mostly give it to the goats, but I've taken it when my back was aching and it definitely helped me too. Great Stuff.
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Reviewed by: Julia Shewchuk from FL on 2/26/2013
I had to use the Burdizzo and was dreading it. I followed the recommended dosage and waited the suggested time. Our little guy did great and though he gave us a quick initial yelp, that was it. I think Ow-Eze helped ME through this more than our young goat! It was such a comfort to know he was eased through this procedure. Thank you again!
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Reviewed by: Elaine Patrick from MO on 8/18/2010
Wonderful product!
One our kids was kicked by a horse at 1 week old, his lower jaw was torn open & he lost a few baby teeth, he was so scared, I gave him Ow-Eze and he settled down enough that we were even able to clean and repair his lip with out having to sedate him & he slept peacfully that night. With the help of IST daily we did not have to give him any antibiotics and he has healed completely, although he looks like he has a silly smurk, our patch job wasn't the best!
I love your product, they have been a big help to my animals As well as my family.
Thanks for all the great info & products
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Reviewed by: Elizabeth Ahrens from FL on 7/13/2009
These are actual unsolicited testimonials and letters received by Molly regarding her formulas.
They are provided for your educational information only and are not intended as treatments or claims of any cure.
They are provided for your educational information only and are not intended as treatments or claims of any cure.
Hi Molly,
one of our goats developed laminitis. After an inital pain treatment with banamine which helped a little, we switched to Ow-Eze for longer term pain management and to our surprise she improved dramatically. It really works. Thanks so much for a great product. We are now also using it for disbudding.
-Julia, FL - Nov 10, 2011
-Julia, FL - Nov 10, 2011
Just wanted to thank you for this. I am somewhat of a beginner to goats and have learned about disbudding through a lot of reading and watching others do it. I did my first doeling last Feb. It was a traumatic experience for me and not so great for the doeling. It is truly the worst job for a goat owner. I was desperate to make things better for my next disbudding experience so I decided to try the Ow-ese. I folloId your instructions about preparing a kid for this (shaving the buds and making sure the iron is hot enough). My little Saanen buckling came through it about 70% better than my first one. He Yelled and screamed with the shaving of his head and one or two yells with the actual disbudding but he was up running around with momma minutes afterward. I will rely on it for all of my kids. Wish I would have used it with my first as this experience would have been less traumatic for both of us.
Thank you!
-Dennis Morre