Powdered Herbal Dietary Supplement.*
This supplement is used to complement our animals' diets with extra protein, Vit. C, B complex (including B12), Vit. A (beta-carotne), Vit. E, Vit. K, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids.*
Contains: Spirulina, Nettle, Dandelion, Alfalfa, Organic Flaxseed
Serving suggestion*: 1 teaspoon per pound of food fed daily (give cats 1/2 tsp. per day). Serving may be increased (doubled) for pregnant, lactating or convalescing animals.
One pound bag- Packaged by weight not volume.
These are actual unsolicited testimonials and letters received by Molly regarding her formulas.
They are provided for your educational information only and are not intended as treatments or claims of any cure.
have eight pregnant goats so I am ordered the Herbal Dietary Supplement & they loved it very much. I love it when my goats give the beautiful moans of satisfaction & even their daughters talk like they do. I went to order some more of the Herbal Dietary Supplement, then decided I might need to order the Pregnancy Tonic instead since they are getting so close to delivering.
I noticed some runny noses, so I ordered the IST. It is better to have IST hand than not!
I did some homework online, which said that goats make their own vitamin C. I upped their grain & alfalfa as they were walking down the snowy, icy hill. The goats seemed to be fine with the Herbal Dietary Supplement. I was very relieved to find no more runny noses. And there was no need for any worry once the goats settled in at the barn with enough food. (Since I had read pregnant goats need 12% grain, at that time I was only giving the girls 10%. I bought the 12% protein & I read the pregnant does need 14-16% protein after the kidlings arrive).
I am a strong believer in Molly's Herbal Wormer for our goats, dogs & cat. My beliefs are so firm that I am believing I will not sell any of my goats to anyone who doesn't use Molly's Herbal Wormer... :)
Does that sound like a strong believer, that is what Molly made me.
Thanks so much Miss Molly, I appreciate you in my life.
-Edwiena Wyatt, MO - Feb 11, 2011